Chefchaouen, Morocco

Chefchaouen, Morocco
Morocco was among the first countries to invite the Peace Corps to assist in its development process. A group of 53 surveyors, English teachers, and irrigation supervisors arrived in Morocco in 1963 at the invitation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Since then, more than 4,300 Volunteers have served in the Kingdom of Morocco ~ from "Peace Corps Welcome to Morocco" publication. Photo by Aluna Ademasu. The contents of this website are mine personally and do not reflect any position of the U.S. government or the Peace Corps.

Friday, January 23, 2015

Cus cus Friday with my incredibly hospitable host family.


  1. Good morning my love,
    Oh it was good to find your blog today::Michael directed me to it.

    I got off of facebook, due to some sad / uncomfortable encounters and VoiLa..
    I am a happier me :)

    However; yes, I do miss many daily news reports from some friends and family, so I was quite giddy in finding your blog.
    Did you hear me shout, "Way to go, girL" ?

    This is definitely an adventure, but I know you prepared, both spiritually and verbally. Plus, you have your partner with you—your Mal.

    I bet your eyes are simply rolling around with all the colour and fragrances.

    Like Louise Armstrong said, "It's a beautiful world."
    I know God is there, among you, so have a blessed day!

    Until we meet again,
    bye bye for now——

    cousin teri x x x x x x

    1. Dear Teri,
      It's so wonderful to hear from loving family members. You've described our experiences here in such poetry! It is a beautiful world! I'm so happy to have found some time at last to keep the blog updated. We miss you all so.
      Lots of love,

  2. Love these pictures! You look awesome!
