Chefchaouen, Morocco

Chefchaouen, Morocco
Morocco was among the first countries to invite the Peace Corps to assist in its development process. A group of 53 surveyors, English teachers, and irrigation supervisors arrived in Morocco in 1963 at the invitation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Since then, more than 4,300 Volunteers have served in the Kingdom of Morocco ~ from "Peace Corps Welcome to Morocco" publication. Photo by Aluna Ademasu. The contents of this website are mine personally and do not reflect any position of the U.S. government or the Peace Corps.

Sunday, August 9, 2015

After a successful 10-day camp at our local ḍar šbab, Mal and I begin planning for our autumn program.  But summer is not behind us yet, so I will share many fun photos from the extraordinary summer camp (a picture paints a thousand words).

I so enjoyed re-connecting with counselors and campers who
were so welcoming at spring camp when we first arrived at our site

A visit from a clown friend made for enjoyable entertainment.

The food was good.  As always, lots of hubz.
Hungry campers!
Mal documented the events with a couple hours of video,
made into two movies.

Many energetic and enthusiastic counselors
work the various ḍar šebab camps
I particularly enjoyed volunteering to help
with art classes.
Mal calls this Superhero "Hatman".

Hatman #2.

90 kids hike to Imi n Ifri.
Imi n Ifri mzyan.  Cool water and swimming holes.

Follow the trail but don't drop any boxes!

Seriously, this is much harder than it looks.
Sack races!
This was an intricate game involving the transport of water
from one tub to another while manipulating a series of ropes
Walking backwards along a path using a hand-held mirror.
A good counting game: separate the beans and seeds by type
 in record time.
A cap with a sharp nail protruding served as
a balloon-popping instrument. 
Pool time.
Final night's performance.
A beautiful Berber dance performance.
In the summertime when the weather is hot...


  1. Love the pictures, Elaine! Hope all is well,

  2. OH FINALLY heard from you again!
    Love it Love it.
    Gorgeous photographs:::crazy life, ay?

    You're doing God's work-Way to go.
    Just think of all the people you are inspiring, including me!
    cousin Teri

  3. Thanks for all of your comments. Things have been busy with training and travel. I'm off again tomorrow to the States for a bit of a family emergency.
